Concerning reflective glass bead applications. What are people using reflective glass beads for other than pavement making? Great Question! Most of our customers use reflective glass beads to make an object or surface more visible and safe. However, over the years we have had many clients use these glass beads in wonderfully creative and unusual ways. For instance, we have had Hollywood studios and other film companies use the beads for chromatography as well as backdrops and special effects. Clients have used reflective glass beads to mark weather balloons, sea buoys, hunting trails, giant dump trucks and even air conditioning units on top of tall buildings. One creative customer used our High Index Reflective Glass Beads to enhance a vintage Ford Model A. (Reflective Model A Rims…https://colezoom.com.)
High Index Reflective Glass Beads used on Vintage Ford RimsWe have many talented artists use these reflective glass beads in sculptures, paintings, prism light boxes, canoes and other incredible art pieces. Architects have used reflective glass beads to create outdoor masterpieces as well as to reflect light better by coating ceilings so they can used lower wattage lighting. Contractors have painted roofs with reflective glass beads to insulate and reflect heat away. Screen printers have created apparel that really pops. National and State parks have used routed wooden signs to make trails safer. Whether its fashion design, jewelry, political signs, curb or target marking, urban murals these reflective glass beads are unbelievably versatile and downright cool. We can not wait to see what you come up with next!Check out our customer photo gallery at https://colezoom.com. Vist us at https://colesafety.com or https://reflectivebeads.com